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clear Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Pulmonary rehabilitation is one of the best known programs offered to those who are affected by lung disease. This program is very successful in modifying the behavior of a person affected by nicotine addiction. Besides modification of behavior, this program also targets weight control, stress management and provides useful tips to prevent relapse.

The Definition Of Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a counseling program or service that provides education and exercise classes for people with lung disease. These classes teach people about the lungs and suggest activities and exercises to reduce shortness of breath. These classes also provide suggestions for nicotine addicts on how to quit smoking by changing or modifying their behavior.

Aspects Of Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Pulmonary rehabilitation is said to be a team, multi-disciplinary approach that enables a person to regain his normal physical, mental, vocational and psychosocial abilities. This program is basically an individualized service that mainly focuses on assisting people to get rid of their cigarette smoking habit. The program provides education, exercise and nutritional assessment for persons with pulmonary disorders. The program meets three times a week and lasts for eight weeks.

Preparation For Entering Pulmonary Rehabilitation

A person should undergo medical assessment by a pulmonary doctor, which includes a comprehensive examination of lung function and exercise potential. An assessment of general health and other conditions will determine a person’s ability to be involved in pulmonary rehabilitation. These medical evaluations are vital for a person who is about to enter the program.

Participant Goals Involved In Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Participants in pulmonary rehabilitation should focus on achieving the following goals:

  1. Minimizing and controlling breathing problems and other symptoms.
  2. Learning about the particular lung disorder, and its treatment.
  3. Maintaining positive behaviors such as proper nutrition, quitting smoking, exercising regularly and decreasing the duration and frequency of hospitalized days.

Benefits Of Pulmonary Rehabilitation

A person will become aware of information regarding his/her lungs through the education classes. The education class provides information about lung disorders and medication. These classes also provide the opportunity to meet other people with breathing disorders. Exercise classes are also provided. These classes help a participant to overcome shortness of breath. These classes are presided over by experienced health care providers who are experts in chronic lung diseases. The cost of a program can vary depending on the area one lives. Another important thing is to consider is whether the program is covered by insurance. Consult with your insurance carrier regarding whether your program covers this type of rehabilitation.

Enrolling, Participating And Finishing The Rehabilitation Program

A health care specialist can provide a referral to the rehabilitation program. The things, learned during the program should be continued in daily life after the termination of the program. The staff operating the program will guide participants to long-term activities for coping with breathing problems.

Resources For Finding The Correct Rehabilitation Program

If these programs are not affordable, there are other options. Quitting smoking, increasing knowledge of the correct medication and regular exercise, are some of those options. It is also advisable to consult with State and County resources to assist in the funding of rehabilitation programs.

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